"A digital twin is a virtual representation of real-world entities and processes, synchronized at a specified frequency and fidelity."
Separation describes the need to segment a digital twin apart from the system or systems it is twinned with. There are several reasons for this, ranging from the essential to the pragmatic.
Security is one essential driver of separation with permissions and authentications built into the data exchange layer.
Pragmatism is another driver, and considering future growth in digital twin applications is a pragmatic approach.
Building a digital twin within the confines of existing applications can be limiting if those applications are not explicitly designed to support digital twin development. It often makes sense to incorporate a digital twin platform adept at integrating and aggregating data from diverse sources.
"A major benefit of a digital twin is the ability to synthesize data from multiple sources to generate novel insights and support applications to progress efficiency, quality, safety, or other business imperatives."
Artificial intelligence deserves its own mention in the context of synthesis. AI is not a cure-all, but a thoughtful choice of AI approaches and applications can generate powerful insights into opportunities and looming risks. The insights from a digital twin can support and be expanded upon to generate AI-based insights.
The good news is that it’s completely possible to incrementally adopt a digital twin approach. The order of our three digital twin criteria – connectivity, separation, and synthesis – are a reasonable proxy for the order in which to approach such a project.
Client IT and business organizations should actively engage in driving the adoption of modern platforms and applications for connectivity and security of IIoT and business process data as a foundation.
The next step is to identify and adopt a digital twin platform to integrate and aggregate data from multiple sources within your IT and OT architecture. It’s important at this stage to have a business case and associated use cases mapped out and to ensure that these and other likely use cases are supported in your chosen platform(s) and related applications.
“We are ready to engage with you along every step of your planning and adoption of a digital twin.”